Parish Council 01344 874268


Oversight and Strategy Committee

The Operations Committee has been reviewed and renamed from May 2021 to the Oversight and Strategy Committee.

It’s responsibilities are also listed for the year 2023 24 to:

  • Review and improve operational procedures in line with recognised examples of Best Practice.
  • Oversee compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Oversee compliance with Health and Safety requirements
  • Be responsible with the Clerk for HR practices and employment matters, including determining headcount and structure, definition of roles and responsibilities and salary scale.
  • Provide input to the Finance Committee during the annual budget process on staffing and headcount.
  • Approval of emergency/urgent expenditures
  • Review annually the risk register, the asset register and financial regulations and make recommendation to Council on appropriate action.
  • Have oversight of active projects, and report to council on project status.
  • Facilitate and provide support to the Council in the development of the Business Plan and Operational Plan.

The committee meets at least quarterly and is comprised of  the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Chairman of the Finance Committee as elected at the Annual Parish Council Meeting each year in May. The Chairman of the committee is selected from among the committee members.

The dates of upcoming meetings along agendas and minutes are attached below. For the papers referred to in the minutes, please request these from the Clerk.



Oversight and Strategy Committee Meetings 2022 23

Oversight and Strategy Committee Meetings 2021 22

Scheme of Delegation Consultations in the Format of a Planning Committee Meeting

The council resolved to delegate the power to comment on planning applications to the Head of Paid Service, the Clerk, and the committee format will be used to carry out consultations between the Clerk and the Committee Members.

Members of the public may attend any meeting and will be invited to speak by the Chairman of the committee regarding questions and concerns they may have.

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