Parish Council 01344 874268


October 2015 News

Sunningdale Parish Council

The Recreation Ground is undergoing a major improvement programme.  A new toddler area is being created and 3 new pieces of equipment being installed in the main playground.  The installation work means that part of the playground is out of commission because of heavy machines on site.  We apologise for the inconvenience caused.  The work will not be complete until early November when the wetpour surfaces will be done.


Monika continues to serve refreshments during half term and then will open on Fridays during the winter commencing on Friday 20 November through to Friday 18 December, with special treats in store.


No 3rd Runway Protest – Adam Afriyie MP writes:
Residents often ask me what they can do help stop the third runway at Heathrow. We all know the devastation that it will bring to our whole area, with hundreds of thousands more flights and aircraft overflying areas across the constituency that have not been affected before.
Over the last few weeks over 1.6 million households across the south have received a leaflet from the No 3rd Runway Campaign inviting them to attend this demonstration and I’d like thousands of people from the Windsor constituency to take part. So I am asking you to join me, local councillors, thousands of local residents and other MPs in Parliament Square.

Please let me know if you can join us on the 10th of October, if only for a few minutes, by emailing me at


The Berkshire Carers meet next on Tuesday 13 October in the Community Room at Sunningdale Parish Council at 10.30am. Berkshire Carers service provides free information, advice and support to unpaid family carers.  For more information please reply to this email or call 0800 988 5462.



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