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March 2015 News

Sunningdale Parish Council

New Chalet at the Recreation Ground The drainage work having been completed, the new Tennis and Refreshment Chalet has being constructed.  It will open for business on 1 April.  It is paid for from S106 Developers Contribution. Posted 20 March 2015


Annual Parish Meeting 25 March 2015 at 7.30pm The APM took place on 25 March hosted by DeVere Venues at Sunningdale Park. Our guest speaker Christine Weightman spoke on “Origins of Sunningdale: Broomhall Nunnery”. We had a good community evening with contributions from the Chairman, Christine Gadd, our Borough Councillors, reports from Holy Trinity School, Charters School and the Police.

To catch up on what was said please find attached the Chairman’s report.   Posted 27 March 2015


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Thames Valley ASB Mediation Service​

Thames Valley ASB Mediation Service The 24th July 2024 was the launch of the Thames Valley Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Mediation Service. This

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