Parish Council 01344 874268


Anti-Social Behaviour at Broomhall Recreation Ground

Sunningdale Parish Council

Please be aware that the Parish Council is dealing with an increase in anti-social behaviour at Broomhall Recreation Ground by way of littering – glass, gas canisters, left over pizza and boxes – and also active damage to play equipment – steel re-enforced ropes on play equipment cut through.

Whilst the team on site are clearing the park on a daily basis, a lot of this activity takes place on an evening and therefore may well still be in place if you visit early morning.

The police and community warden team are aware and active in their visits to the park and the Parish Council is pleased to confirm new members of the team joining at the beginning of June who will assist in a plan to reduce this activity.

In the meantime, please do report this to the team in the office – – and we appreciate your understanding and patience whilst we deal with this troubling behaviour

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