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Parish Council 01344 874268


Planning Information

Planning Authority

RBWM is the planning authority responsible for permitting or refusing the planning applications made in the parish of Suninngdale and throughout the borough.

The authority is governed by the goverment planning framework, known as the National Planning Policy Framework and the Borough Local Plan

RBWM Planning team are available for pre-application advice and support.

RBWM delegates many of the planning decisions to the Planning Officers, however larger applications or ones which have gained significant local comments are reviewed at Development Control Panels held monthly as required.  The dates and agendas for these panels can be found on RBWM Meetings Calendar.

To see the applications which are submitted to the planning authority, use the RBWM Planning Portal.


Chair of Planning for 2022 2023

Cllr Anne-Catherine Buxton

The Deputy Clerk manages the day to day planning enquiries to the parish council. To contact Nikki Tomlinson email:

Sunningdale Parish Council review and comment

The parish council is neither a commenting nor planning authority, however is notified of all applications that are made in the parish and invited to submit comments to the planning authority of RBWM.

To do this, the parish council convenes a planning committee on a monthly basis which actively reviews the applications, submits comments, where necessary writes letters of objection and represents these views at the Development Control Panels held by RBWM.  You can access the comments via the meeting minutes sent to the planning authority on this webiste under Planning Committee

For dates of our planning meetings and agendas showing the applications to be reviewed, please look at Planning Committee Meetings.

The parish office also retains printed copies of the Borough Local Plan, the Neighbourhood Plan and the National Planning Portal Framework.  If you would like to come and read these in hard copy please contact the office to arrange a time to call in.

The Neighbourhood Plan

In early 2010, the two Parishes of Sunninghill & Ascot and Sunningdale were offered a great opportunity by the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to come together and become a Front Runner Neighbourhood Plan, as enabled by the government’s Localism proposals.

The Ascot, Sunninghill & Sunningdale Neighbourhood Plan (NP) Steering Group was been led by local residents (volunteers), with the aim of preparing a Plan that delivered the long term goals of a balanced and vibrant neighbourhood.

The plan that emerged was one of the first Neighbourhood plans adopted throughout England and is still used today by the planning authority, the parish council and organisations such as SPAE to comment and determine planning applications for the two parishes.

To read the Neighbourhood Plan or download it, follow the link below:

Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale Neighbourhood Plan

Society for the Protection of Ascot and the Environs - SPAE

SPAE was established in 1971 and represents over 600 members. Its core purposes are to protect and preserve the Green Belt and to ensure that proposals for development in the Ascot postcode area conform with national, local and neighbourhood planning policies. Some 60% of our area is Green Belt which has been fundamental in maintaining the separation of the settlements of Sunningdale, Sunninghill, Ascot, North Ascot, South Ascot and Cheapside.

SPAE considers every planning application submitted in our area. During 2019/20, of the applications for development to which SPAE responded, around 70% were refused or withdrawn. SPAE is particularly concerned to protect the Green Belt, where its main purposes are to check unrestricted sprawl, to prevent settlements merging into one another and to safeguard the countryside from encroachment.

For more information on SPAE, the work it does and how to become part of the group, look at their website.