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Planning Decision regarding the medical centre at Ben Lynwood

Sunningdale Parish Council

On the 23 May 2017, the planning application for the new Medical Centre at Ben Lynwood (17/01188) was review by the Planning Committee of Sunningdale Parish Council.

With an obligation to review the application based upon the planning regulations included in the National Planning Policy Framework, the RBWM Local Plan and the Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale Neighbourhood Plan, the Planning Committee were obliged to Object to the application due to contraventions of Planning policies.  The full letter is available to view here.

The Parish Council is very much in support of appropriate medical facilities for current and future residents and would welcome the opportunity to have a new doctors’ surgery to replace the existing facility at Magnolia House.  However, as the elected members responsible for ensuring that development within the Parish is to the benefit of all, it behoves the council to ensure that such development fits within the stated guidelines for the area as detailed in the Neighbourhood plan for which the residents voted for.

As the proposed development at Ben Lynwood would incorporate the surgery of Kings Corner, Sunninghill and Ascot Parish Council also reviewed the application and objected to this development. Their letter can be found at here.

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