The Community Room at The Pavilion in Broomhall Recreation Ground is available for rent either as a large meeting room which holds up to 18 people around a board room table or as two separate meeting spaces for up to 12 people in each room. More information is available within the Meeting Room for Hire Page on the Sunningdale Parish Council website.
Sunningdale Village Hall provides two spaces available for hire, both of which have their own kitchens. The Village Hall is suitable for birthday parties, wedding receptions, charity events and theatrical productions at weekends and in the school holidays. More information is available on the Sunningdale Village Hall website
Curly Wurly Café currently run the refreshment chalet at Broomhall Recreation Ground. For more information including opening times please visit the Curly Wurly Café Instagram Page
The playing field is available for rent either as a 12m x 12m space or a 5 a side football pitch space. More information is available within the Field Rent Page on the Sunningdale Parish Council website.
Sunningdale Library is open: Fridays 2:30-5:30pm, Saturdays 10am-1pm, 1:30pm-4pm and Sundays 11am-2pm.
Location: Community Room at the Parish Council Offices (Broomhall Recreation Ground).
More information is available within the Library Page on the Sunningdale Parish Council website.
Citizen Advice face to face Sunningdale based appointments are available on Mondays for Sunningdale residents. Please call 01344 874268 or email to book. More information is available within the Citizen Advice Page on the Sunningdale Parish Council website.
Sunningdale Parish Council services
Book exchange
Christmas lights
Citizen advice
Community grant
Dog waste bins
Heritage assets
Meeting room (community room)
Proof of life
Recreation Ground
Sunningdale in Bloom
Broomhall Park tennis
Village Hall
RBWM services
Antisocial behaviour
Blue badges
Planning and building
Bus passes
Council tax
Environmental Health
Fire & rescue
Footpaths and bridleways
Grass cutting and verges
Street lighting
Noise complaints
Overhanging trees
Police (non-emergency)
Social care
Tree preservation
Agendas, Minutes and Papers to be reviewed and discussed by council can be found within the Meetings Pages on the Sunningdale Parish Council website. These documents are open to the public and are provided free of charge.
Yes. Sunningdale Parish Council meetings and all committee meetings are open to the public. At each meeting there is a public session for a maximum of 15 minutes, 5 minutes per speaker, to allow residents and members of the public to make representations, answer questions and give evidence in respect of the business on the agenda. This is clearly marked on all council agendas.
To give residents the opportunity to attend meetings, notices of meetings are advertised on the Parish Council noticeboards around the parish with three clear days’ notice. Sunningdale Parish Council also use the Meetings Pages on the Sunningdale Parish Council website to inform electors of meetings.
However, the Parish Council can resolve to exclude the public and press from all or part of their meeting on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons stated in the resolution and arising from the nature of the business of the proceedings (Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 s1). These are usually the exception and will normally be indicated on the agenda after public business has been completed.
You cannot speak while the normal business of the meeting is being conducted. However, Sunningdale Parish Council includes a public participation section on their agenda. This allows some time at the meeting for members of the public to address the council on an issue that concerns them. If you wish to speak it must be relevant to an item included on the agenda. If you wish to raise anything which is not on the agenda you are advised to contact the Clerk in writing, asking for this to be included on the councils next agenda.
Yes. All councillors have to abide by a Code of Conduct which sets out which interests have to be declared. These can be found on page 8 within the Code of Conduct Document on the Sunningdale Parish Council website.
This information is available within the Council Pages on the Sunningdale Parish Council website.
Elections are held every four years. The next scheduled elections in Sunningdale are in May 2027 when Parish elections will be held alongside Royal Borough Windsor and Maidenhead Elections. When elections are held applicants need to be nominated to stand for election and follow the election process in operation at the time. The Borough council’s Electoral Services website can provide further information.
Sometimes the number of people who put their names forward for election equals or is less than the number of seats on the council. In these circumstances there is not a poll on election day and the people nominated are deemed elected. If the number deemed elected is less than the number of seats on the council, then the council is required to co-opt people onto the council to fill the vacancies.
If a seat on the council becomes vacant between normal elections then a special procedure has to be followed which can lead to an bi-election or the co-option of a new councillor. Sunningdale Parish Council advertise widely in the parish when a vacancy occurs to see if there is a demand for an election.
The electors of Sunningdale parish.
In the first instance please make contact with either the Chariman or Clerk of Sunningdale Parish Council to discuss your concerns. You may also find information on the Complaints Procedure Page on the Sunningdale Parish Council website.
In the first instance please make contact with either the Chariman or Clerk of Sunningdale Parish Council to discuss your concerns. You may also find information on the Complaints Procedure Page on the Sunningdale Parish Council website.
Sunningdale Parish Council is a statutory local authority, sometimes referred to as a “Local council” which has been in existence since 1894 when the Local Government Act 1894 was introduced.
Further information on the services provided by this local council is available on the Parish Services Page on the Sunningdale Parish Council website.
Sunningdale Parish Council is invited to comment by the Planning Authority at Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead on all planning applications. Views expressed by the Sunningdale Parish Council may be taken into account by the Planning Authority before a decision is made, providing the points made are relevant to the determination of a planning application. The final decision is made by the Planning Authority, not the parish council. Sunningdale Parish Council Planning Committee minutes and letters of objection can be found within the Planning Committee Page on the Sunningdale Parish Council website
Planning applications are available on the RBWM Website.
All planning applications under review for comments by the Parish Council will be included on the monthly Planning Agenda, which is uploaded onto the website and also displayed on the parish council notice board three working days before the monthly Planning Committee meeting. During the meeting Sunningdale Parish Council will decide whether or not to make a comment, which may be an objection or support, and if commenting will then provide it’s view and any relevant local information for consideration by the planning authority at RBWM.
You should write to the planning authority, Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. For more information please visit the RBWM website. If you wish to make the parish council aware of your representation you can send a copy to the Deputy Clerk.
The parish council is not a decision maker in planning matters and can only make representations to the planning authority (in this case, Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead).
Created in the current form by the Local Government Act 1894, the parish or town council is a tier of government which is a legal entity separate from the elected members, a body corporate with the authority to raise money through taxation (precept) and spend public money utilising a range of powers.
Within the powers and legislation for ‘local councils’ there are a wide range of activities which it may choose to deliver to the precepted area, in comparison to the duties which are:
Additionally, it must:
Sunningdale Parish Council raises a precept which is collected by Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead as part of the council tax and paid in two instalments. It is used to fund the administration of the council and provide local services and facilities. Funds are also raised from income on the rental of council property (e.g., allotments, the Pavilion Community Room and tennis courts) and from grants.
Details of the parish council budget and precept for the current financial year are available from the Clerk and within the Financial Information Page on the website.
The senior officer of council, the Clerk is normally the Proper Officer, a statutory role responsible in law for the management and organisation of council functions. The Clerk is employed by and answers only to the council, body corporate, not to individual council members. As an Officer rather than a Member, the Clerk has no vote on decisions before
Council, rather advises, provides independent and unbiased advice including suggestions and recommendations. The council can delegate decisions to the Clerk as an Officer.
The Clerk fulfils a varied and wide-ranging role of operational management for the council and carries the responsibility to enact its decisions immediately that a resolution of council is made.
Duties for the clerk include:
Council operations vary widely due to the size and scope of councils, therefore the delegations at Sunningdale Parish Council currently include, but are not limited to:
Please see the Council Pages on the Sunningdale Parish Council website
There are around 4000 registered electors in Sunningdale
A person is entitled to vote in parish council elections if they are on the electoral register held by Windsor and Maidenhead Borough Council, with an address in the Sunningdale parish.
Parish councils are required to hold a minimum of four meetings a year, one of which must be its annual meeting – there is no upper limit. The Sunningdale Parish Council hold Council Meetings 12 times a year. The full calendar of meetings is set each year at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council in May and will then be published on the website.
In addition, the Planning Committee meets 12 times year. The Oversight and Strategy Committee, Finance Committee, HR Sub Committee and Village Hall Charity Committee meets up to 6 times a year. The details of our forthcoming meetings can be found on the Meetings Pages on the Sunningdale Parish Council website.
A full list of working groups and focus areas are listed on the website. Please visit the Councillor Responsibilities Page.
Sunningdale Parish Council meetings are normally held in the Community Room at The Pavilion, Broomhall Recreation Ground.
Please visit the Community Grants Page on the Sunningdale Parish Council website.
The Sunningdale Parish Council website is regularly updated with information on events and projects taking place in Sunningdale under the News & Events and Projects pages. The council is working on a e-newsletter and if you wish to be included in these updates, please send your email to
Maintaining of roads and highways is the responsibility of Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. To report potholes for repair please use RBWM Report It.
Cleaning of pavements is the responsibility of Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. To report any pavements that need attention please use RBWM Report It.
The Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead is now delivering its school admissions service through Achieving for Children. Please visit the RBWM website for further details.
Maintaining of hedges on roads, highways and Public Right of Ways is the responsibility of Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. To report any hedges that need attention please use RBWM Report It.
Maintaining flooding on roads and highways is the responsibility of Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. To report flooding for repair please use RBWM Report It.
The income from the Sunningdale Parish Council assets and facilities has increased over time which leads to additional management hours of the facilities being needed (e.g. tennis courts).
Sunningdale Parish Council receive Community Infrastructure Levy funds on major property developments taking place locally. This then provides the funding for various projects and new initiatives to take place for the benefit of the community. Please see the Projects Page on the Sunningdale Parish Council website for updates on projects currently in progress.
The cost of operations for each council differs based upon the service which each council wishes to deliver on behalf of their residents. It is not possible to compare councils on a like for like basis as each council chooses which services they wish to deliver above those classed as duties. Also to consider is how much each parish council then wishes to charge for facilities and therefore what subsidies are paid out of the funds collected through the precept. Under Section 19 of the Local Government Act, local councils may choose to provide facilities free, or charge at a level they deem suitable.
The table below shows the precept rates for 2023 2024 for the parishes in RBWM.
Parish | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 charge |
Precept £ | Precept £ | Band D £ | |
Bisham | 35,391 | 39,998 | 54.20 |
Bray | 204,350 | 217,633 | 48.56 |
Cookham | 134,077 | 140,781 | 47.24 |
Cox Green | 175,803 | 189,173 | 61.86 |
Datchet | 144,531 | 144,531 | 63.52 |
Eton | 124,190 | 130,165 | 70.99 |
Horton | 45,405 | 45,560 | 97.81 |
Hurley | 34,000 | 35,000 | 34.32 |
Old Windsor | 174,377 | 175,822 | 72.42 |
Shottesbrooke | – | – | 0.00 |
Sunningdale | 213,224 | 228, 962 | 64.35 |
Sunninghill & Ascot | 214,112 | 260,360 | 38.87 |
Waltham St. Lawrence | 26,500 | 29,000 | 41.95 |
White Waltham | 130,510 | 133,014 | 102.33 |
Wraysbury | 106,700 | 128,000 | 59.33 |
Unparished* | 1,250,746 | 1,298,736 | 35.60 |
Of the £227,338 budgeted employment costs for 2023 2024, only £112,771 is levied against the council precept with the remaining £114,617 charged against the income from council facilities.
In 2023-2024 the income from managing council facilities is budgeted to be £159,016, a 31% increase compared to the budget for 2022-2023. In recent years, this additional income has helped limit any increase in the precept as it directly funds the employment costs of the team who manage these assets on a day-to-day basis.
Therefore in 2023 2024 the excess income after the cost of employment from facilities is £44,399.
Exact figures are not known with only ‘casual’ information of the park being used by many families outside the parish. Surveys carried out in 2019 and 2021 reported that from 69 visitors to the park surveyed, 38 visitors were not from Sunningdale.
49% of the Broomhall Park Tennis Season Ticket Holders are residents of Sunningdale.
Sunningdale Parish Council now fully support the revenue costs of the library provision at a cost of £11,500 per year. This is due to the loss of the container library which previously visited the recreation ground.
Following the closure of Holy Trinity graveyard by order of the Queen on the 14th February 1996, RBWM began maintaining the site. In April 2021 Holy Trinity Church requested Sunningdale Parish Council to take over the maintenance of Holy Trinity Church graveyard which the Parish Council agreed to.
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