Parish Council 01344 874268


COVID-19 Update 1 – 19th March

Sunningdale Parish Council

Sunningdale Parish Council COVID-19 Update 1 – 19th March

The decisions taken this week by the Government to close schools from Friday 20th March and to request that all non-essential gatherings are suspended has prompted the parish council to take further actions in relation to the council meetings, office and venues.

Therefore, from today, Thursday 19th March 2019, the following actions have been confirmed:

  1. All council and committee meetings will be suspended until the end of April 2020, with the potential that these will be suspended further once more information is received from the National Association of Local Councils who are in consultation with the Government.

The implications of this decision are:

  • The planning committee meetings on the 24th March and the 28th April will not take place, however any resident who wishes to make representations to the committee on planning matters may email and their email will be responded to by the Co-Chairs of planning, Cllr Burn and Cllr Jacklin.
  • The council meeting on the 14th April will not take place. Representations to council may be made by email to and will be responded to by the Clerk and Cllr Buxton as Chairman of the Parish Council
  • The Annual Electors meeting which was scheduled for the 23rd April will not take place. A date for this meeting will be advised once more information is confirmed by the Government.
  1. The parish and village hall offices will close to all visitors and the team who work there will move to homeworking for the immediate future. Whilst there will be no face to face access to the council team, you will still be able to call the office on 01344 874268 and within office hours your call will be answered remotely.  Please understand that we are experiencing a high level of calls at the moment, so do leave a message and your call will be returned.  Emails to the office, will be answered in a timely manner.
  2. The venues operated by the council such as the community room and the village hall will now be closed to the majority of hirers with only those who have a requirement to meet being allowed to use the venues.
  1. The tennis courts and recreation ground will remain open whilst the Government does not request the closure of public spaces. If the need to close is announced, then these will advise you of the closure.  To protect our park team, we will close the individual male and female toilets. However, we will leave the disabled/family/unisex toilet open and increase the frequency of cleaning.  This is to allow visitors to the park to wash hands as required and access the Defibrillator.

External to the parish council, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead has announced that all libraries will now be closed for the foreseeable future.  Therefore, the container library which visits Sunningdale will no longer be present on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday until further notice.

Please be assured that the council is working to ensure that required services continue. Our cemetery at Kiln Lane is still open and the office team are working with the funeral directors as required; the allotments are a great space to work independently getting fresh air and exercise and the notice boards will be updated by the team on a weekly basis with any new information.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the council on 01344 874268 or and we will make every effort to assist you.   We will be placing updates on the council website as and when they are needed, so please look there for information

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