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Council Significant Resolutions

Full council meeting minutes, papers and resolutions can be downloaded from the Council Meetings Page

Refurbishment of the Chobham Road Book Exchange – 16 July 2024

Sunningdale Parish Council approved the budget for internal and external refurbishment of the K6 telephone box used as a book exchange located on Chobham Road.

Tennis Court Working Group – 16 July 2024

The decision was made to form a new working group to review the processes, maintenance and income of the Broomhall Park Tennis Courts.

Business Plan Engagement Working Group Update – 18 June 2024

The Sunningdale Parish Council Resident & Stakeholder Survey received 453 responses (to date), which was more than was anticipated. The council are very pleased with the level of engagement. The working group will now analyse the information in order to feed back the results to council on 16th July 2024.

Christmas at Chobham Road – 18 June 2024

The decision of proceeding with the work involved in trying to hold the Christmas event at Chobham Road has been deferred until the results of the Resident Survey are available. 

Gating of Recreation Ground – 18 June 2024

Council approved further investigation into the gating of the car park at Broomhall Recreation Ground overnight.

Dog Waste Bins – 18 June 2024

Sunningdale Parish Council approved the budget for two additional dog waste bins which will bring the total up to 11 in Sunningdale. The two additional dog waste bins will be located in/around Church Road and Chobham Road in response to requests from residents.

Non-Playground User Seating Area – 18 June 2024

Sunningdale Parish Council agreed to trial a new fenced off area behind the coffee chalet at Broomhall Recreation Ground, to provide seating for non playground users including dog walkers. This area will also accomodate for disabled users who would like to purchased refreshments from the coffee chalet. 

Council Responsbilities Update – 14 May 2024

During the Annual Parish Council Meeting the 2024 / 2025 structure was agreed – the Chairman and the Chairmen of the two main committees (Planning and Finance committees). Other roles and responsiblities were also agreed. For more information please visit the Councillor Responsibilities page

Woodland Walk Update – 16 April 2024

During Spring 2024 additional surveys will be commissioned with a view to submitting a planning application to progress with the Woodland Walk Project in Summer 2024.

Business Plan Engagement Working Group Update – 16 April 2024

Sunningdale Parish Council would like to engage with residents on the parish council Business Plan and a survey will be distributed to every household in the parish during Spring/Summer 2024.

A successful pilot of the survey has now been completed. Amendments following the feedback from the pilot will be made before the survey goes live.

Report of the Recruitment Working Group – 16 April 2024

The Recruitment Working Group recommended that Council proceeds to recruit a new parish clerk on the same job description and terms and conditions of service as the clerk who has recently left the Council’s employment.

Council approved the recruitment pack and for the vacancy to be advertised from 29 April until 3 June 2024.

Business Plan Engagement Working Group Update – 19 March 2024

Sunningdale Parish Council would like to engage with residents on the parish council Business Plan and a survey will be distributed to every household in the parish during Spring/Summer 2024.

A pilot of the survey will be carried out during March/April 2024 to gather feedback on it’s content before the full print run and survey proceeds.

Telephone Box Book Exchange on Chobham Road – 19 March 2024

The volunteer who has undertaken responsiblity for the telephone box book exchange has now stepped back. Sunningdale Parish Council would like to thank the individual for their hard work and time spent managing this important parish council asset.

Sunningdale Parish Council are now seeking a new group of volunteers to manage the book exchange going forward. Please contact if you would like to find out more information.

Moor End, Chobham Road Update – 20 February 2024

Following the consultation to acquire the derelict property, Moor End on Chobham Road, the parish council is now awaiting further information from the Crown Estate solicitors.

Adult Fitness Equipment Update – 20 February 2024

Statement from Cllr Matthew Newman

At the council meeting on the 20th of February, the adult fitness equipment was placed on the agenda for discussion about moving forward with the project and potentially having this reinstated. Unfortunately, it was decided that there was not yet enough interest expressed by residents so a motion was not passed at this stage to continue. If you have not already contacted Sunningdale Parish council with your thoughts on the fitness equipment, please call the parish office on 01344 874268 or you can contact the Deputy Clerk by email

Cycling & Walking Update – 20 February 2024

Statement from Cllr Jacqueline Hilton

Sunningdale Parish Council (SPC) has agreed a Cycling & Walking Vision, including a network of leisure and active travel routes, in conjunction with Sunninghill & Ascot Parish Council (SAPC).

Throughout this work we have noted the challenges in separating pedestrians and cyclist from vehicles and our priority is improving safety on the existing mixed usage roads. Our aim is to bring the Vision to life by taking a step by step approach.

Firstly, our “Safer Streets” consultation identified the need to reduce speed limits to 20mph on selected roads. This will be the quickest , easiest and most cost effective way of significantly improving safety in Sunningdale. We have engaged RBWM councillors and presented our joint proposal with SAPC to RBWM who are currently reviewing this proposal. We look forward to hearing their response imminently.

At the same time we have pressed ahead with addressing the very poor condition of Bridleway 1  which runs between the A30 and Coworth Park. Work to improve this key route and provide all year round access has been agreed. We await timings from RBWM for the works to start.

In February, SPC agreed to fund the construction of a footpath alongside Whitmore Lane from Dale Lodge Road in the Old Village up to the footpath which gives access into Coworth Park. Residents have raised their concerns about this dangerous, narrow road with no designated footpath which this new path will address. It is an integral part of the network Vision, linking the village with Coworth Park, Windsor Great Park and a key part of one our popular, publicised circular “Parish Walks”.

We will keep residents informed on the timings for the new footpath, the improvements to Bridleway 1 and the response from RBWM to our “Safer Streets 20mph” proposal.

For details on significant resolutions prior to February 2024 please download the Meeting Minutes.

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