Under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, Sunningdale Parish Council has discretionary powers to award grants to local groups or organisations for the purposes of bringing a direct benefit to the parish or its residents. To be considered for an award, applicants must apply for a grant using the downloadable application form and provide the necessary information.
The total grants fund agreed as available from April 2023 to March 2024 is £1,200.
Section 137 stipulates that grants awarded must directly benefit the residents of Sunningdale. Grants considered will normally be no more than 20% of the total cost of the work or project. It is expected that groups and organisations will look at accessing different sources of funding for their project alongside any application to the Parish Council Grants Fund.
To apply for a grant, please complete the Community Grant Application Form.
The CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended) state that the Parish Council must spend the CIL income they received from the Borough Council on:
Providing CIL is spent in accordance with the above CIL monies may be used to provide seed or match funding with other income streams and / or may be spent collaboratively with other local councils or other providers to make the most efficient use of funding to benefit the community.
Each year Sunningdale Parish Council reserve a grant fund to work collaboratively with local stakeholder organisations to provide infrastructure which mitigates the effect of development. If you have a project which complies with this please see the CIL Policy and complete the CIL Funding request form.
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