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Adult Fitness Equipment - Update

The construction works for the replacement playground and pathways project at Broomhall Recreation Ground started in November 2023 and is due to finish at the end of January 2024.

consultation on the playground and adult fitness equipment was carried out in February 2022. The results showed there was limited personal usage for the adult fitness equipment so a decision was made by council on 26 April 2022 to proceed with the project, apart from the adult fitness equipment.

At this current time there are no planned works for the old end-of-life adult fitness equipment (which has now been removed) to be replaced, however the parish council are open to replacing it if there is indeed a demand from Sunningdale residents.

If you are interested in seeing replacement adult fitness equipment at Broomhall Recreation Ground we would love to hear from you. If in the future the adult fitness equipment is replaced it would need to be relocated at least 25 meters away from the playground area due to updated safeguarding requirements.

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