Sunningdale Parish Council and Sunninghill & Ascot Parish Council have been working together to support Cycling & Walking in our parishes. A Cycling and Walking Vision was set in 2021 and shared with RBWM. The Vision included a number of initiatives and the creation of a network of cycling and walking routes for leisure and active travel.
The joint parish working group decided to focus initially on the implementation of 20mph speed limits as improving safety was seen as a major priority.
A “Safer Streets” community consultation was conducted in 2022 to determine the level of community support for the principle of introducing 20 mph speed limits, where appropriate (for selected roads where full consideration of the needs of vulnerable road users supports this lower limit).
The feedback from the consultation was very clear; 81% of respondents were in support of 20 mph (out of a total 272 responses). There were 657 suggestions for 20mph roads including significant support around all schools. 139 additional comments were made, including many ideas to make our streets safer.
Based on this comprehensive response from the communities, each parish has now prepared a proposal of 20 mph roads and other initiatives to make local streets safer.
The joint parish working group is now asking for comments on these proposals before finalisation and submission to the Highways Authority (RBWM). While each parish will finalise its proposals, the working group hopes to create consistency so that there will be continuity in speed limits on roads which cross from parish to parish.
Please click on the link to see the full details of the Sunningdale proposal.
Should you wish to submit any comments you may have relating to your relevant parish council proposal, please click on the link below. The consultation closes on Friday 2 June 2023.
Following the recent 20mph consultation, which ran from 1st September to 9th October 2022, Sunninghill & Ascot Parish Council and Sunningdale Parish Council were pleased with the number of responses and the number of valuable insights and suggestions provided by our community.
The headline results of the consultation are:
Based upon this comprehensive response from the communities, the parish councils are now reviewing the information by parish area and putting together a plan and recommendation based on the results of the Consultation.
It is the aim of both of the parish councils to publish these further documents in January 2023 before submission to the Highways Authority.
Councillor Ceri Richardson and Councillor David Biggs
Co-Chairs, Walking & Cycling Working Group
Our two parish councils have been working together to encourage more local people to walk and cycle, and to make it safer for them to do so. As shown below, 20mph speed limits are proven to meet both these objectives as well as bringing other benefits to local communities.
The purpose of this consultation is to determine the level of community support for the principle of introducing 20mph speed limits where appropriate.
Both parish councils will review the results of the consultation and if the consultation results show strong support for the principle of 20mph speed limits, we will be in a position to persuade the borough to work with us to develop specific proposals for individual streets or zones and implement them in a timely manner. Only RBWM as the Highway Authority is able to set speed limits, and before doing so would consult again on the specifics of each street or zone proposal, giving our communities the opportunity to comment on / influence the proposals, before any speed limits are introduced.
Consultation Details.
Why our PCs are consulting on 20mph speed limits.
As stated above, our two parish councils have been working together to find ways of encouraging more of our residents to walk and cycle and of making it safer for them to do so.
Most residents live within a relatively short distance from local High Streets, workplaces, railway stations and leisure facilities so more walking and cycling is achievable. Our preference would be to provide separation between motor vehicles and vulnerable road users, but the Victorian Highway Infrastructure doesn’t allow this except in a limited number of locations.
The alternative is to introduce more 20mph speed limits, which have been found to be an inexpensive and proven way to deliver our objectives of encouraging more walking and cycling with the following benefits :
Further Information:
Government Guidelines:
There are government guidelines on where 20mph speed limits may be introduced. In general these will be on streets that currently have a 30mph speed limit.
The guidelines most relevant to our parishes include:
Roads which already have 20mph speed limits:
ROSPA Factsheet on 20mph zones and speed limits
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