Parish Council 01344 874268


Sunningdale Parish Council COVID-19

Sunningdale Parish Council

At the council meeting on Tuesday 10th March, the council set out a course of action based upon the information which was available on that date.

Today, 16th March, there have been no significant modifications to the information coming from central government which would affect these actions.  However, please be aware that daily information briefings by the government may make changes at any point.

Therefore, the council confirm the following actions in relations to COVID-19 regarding the operations of the council; council team; venues hired by the council and the village hall which is operated by the council.

Currently, all activities of council are proceeding as normal.

  • council planning committee will meet on the 24th March as scheduled to review the planning applications received
  • the council meeting of the 14th April is still scheduled to proceed
  • the council office remains open to visitors
  • the venues to hire (including the village hall) remain open and therefore no refunds of bookings are being given

The council understands this is an anxious time for many and is constantly reviewing activities and related actions.

The plan for when and under what circumstances the parish office and venues may close is set out below.

  • Phase 1 should the government close schools, restrict gatherings of over 50 people or confine the over 70s to their homes:
    • the parish and village hall offices would close to all visitors
    • there would be no council gatherings in the community room
    • should hirers of council venues wish to continue at their own risk then this would be permitted under constant review
    • no additional cleaning above the usual cleaning would take place and hirers would be informed of this
      • If hirers either at the community room or village hall wish to cancel, then a full refund of the cancelled sessions would be provided for the period the restrictions applied
    • all employees would have the right to work from home should they wish to or need to for school age children
  • Phase 2 should the government bring in measures such as in Italy or France, restricting movement and gatherings for a time period:
    • the parish and village hall offices would then close to workers who would work remotely
    • all room hires would cease, and no charges would be levied
    • the toilets at the recreation ground would be locked and clear signage put in place that whilst the park area was still open to use, it was at the users’ risk and no additional cleaning was being carried out

The council appreciates your understanding at this time and will provide updates as and when they are appropriate.

For more information please feel free to call 01344 874268 or email

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