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Statement re Ben Lynwood Medical Centre

Sunningdale Parish Council

On the 23 May 2017, the planning application for the new Medical Centre at Ben Lynwood (17/01188) was reviewed by the Planning Committee of Sunningdale Parish Council.

With an obligation to review the application based upon the planning regulations included in the National Planning Policy Framework, the RBWM Local Plan and the Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale Neighbourhood Plan, the quorate Planning Committee were obliged to Object to the application due to contraventions of Planning policies.  This decision must stand until there are amends to the planning application and would not be reviewed either by Council or the Committee until this point.

As the proposed development at Ben Lynwood would incorporate the surgery of Kings Corner, Sunninghill and Ascot Parish Council also reviewed the application and objected to this development.

However, Sunningdale Parish Council remains in support of appropriate medical facilities for current and future residents and would welcome the opportunity to have a new doctors’ surgery to replace the existing facility at Magnolia House.  Therefore, over the past few weeks the Council entered a dialogue with the Doctors and Practice Manager of Magnolia House Surgery and the consultant for the CCG to ascertain if there was a way in which the required surgery could be facilitated, whilst maintaining the requirement upon Council to ensure that such development fits within the stated guidelines for the area as detailed in the Neighbourhood plan, for which the residents voted.

To that end, today, Tuesday 20th June, Sunningdale Parish Council and Paul Rowley, Consultant to the Clinical Commissioning Group and acting on behalf of both Magnolia House and Kings Corner Surgeries can confirm the following:

After gaining agreement with Ben Lynwood and the Associate Director of Primary Care in East Berkshire, it is confirmed that the application 17/01188 for the Medical Centre at Ben Lynwood will now take the relevant time to engage with both Parish Councils and the Borough Planning Department to review and make amends to the application where appropriate. 

We, the Parish Council, appreciate the emotiveness of this application and the real need to see better medical provision in the village.  However, would request that all interested parties understand that whilst processes happen in the background, it is not always possible to provide daily updates.   We will update our website at every occasion as additional information is published and remain available for questions from residents and interested parties through the office of the Clerk.   This will then ensure that every point is collated and recorded during the process.

We thank you for your interest and patience in this matter and confirm our commitment to working with the Practices, the CCG and Ben Lynwood during this process.

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