Parish Council 01344 874268


Covid 19 Meetings

Sunningdale Parish Council meetings have returned to Face to Face from 7 May 2021, and whilst the government legislation has been changed on the 19 July 2021, the Council has retained a Health and Safety at Work Policy in line with the government expectations and recommendations for meeting up during this period.

Therefore, all Attendees are required to:

  • Wear a face mask apart from when addressing the council
  • Abide by venue check in requirements
  • Maintain Social Distancing
  • Not attend the meeting if contact has been made with a COVID positive person

To ensure that there is sufficient space to host all attendees in a COVID Secure manner, please inform the Clerk prior to the meeting of your intention to attend. This is requested by no later than 10am on the Monday prior to the Tuesday meeting.

A full risk assessment has been carried out and is regularly reviewed. Please see below the actions taken by the council to ensure the meetings remain safe. Click on the image to bring to full screen size.

The council would welcome questions posed in advance via email which can be reviewed, responded to and included in the council minutes.

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