Parish Council 01344 874268


January 2016

Sunningdale Parish Council

RBWM is conducting a consultation on introducing a 7.5 tonne weight limit along the Chobham Road.  You are invited to reply to three questions.  The deadline has been extended to 22 January. We urge you to respond.  Go to and in the search box type Chobham Road. Click on the first item which is the consultation. The consultation response form is high-lighted.

Q1  Do you agree with proposals to introduce the 7.5 tonnes weight limit as shown on the attached plan.
Q2  Please Indicate where you live/home postcode
Q3 Do you wish to make further comments with regards to this scheme?
Responses must be received with the Borough by extended deadline Friday 22 January 2016.  Click Here for the form.

If you are accessing from a tablet or iPhone the link may not work. Please go to  and then search Chobham Road. That will get you to the consultation.

Charters Road Closure between 21.00 hours  and 06:00 each day
from Monday 11th to Wednesday 20th January 2016

Charters Road from its junction with the A30 London road north westwards to its junction with Dry Arch Road, and Dry Arch road for its entire length.  Reason: to facilitate Openreach works access to underground structure – new customer connection.

Alternative Routes for southbound users via Rise Road, B383 Broomhall Lane and A30 London Road.  For northbound users, the diversion will be by this route reversed

More to explore

Highway Works – Wed 10 March 2025

Highway works Parishes – Sunninghill and Ascot – Sunningdale Highway, Transport & Parking works: Mill Lane (Sunningdale and Cheapside) – thermal patching

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