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Parish Council 01344 874268


Heritage Assets

War Memorial at Holy Trinity Church

The War Memorial which sits at the intersection of Church Road, Bedford Lane, Whitmore Lane and High Street in the Old Village of Sunningdale commemorates the service of those who lost their lives in the 2 world wars.

The Parish Council hold the responsibility for the upkeep of the memorial and the Chairman of the Parish attends the memorial service held by Holy Trinity Church each November in remembrance of the sacrifice made on our behalf.

War Memorial Sunningdale

Jubilee Bench

Installed for the Queen’s Jubilee 2012, the Jubilee Bench was put in place in January 2014 after a long wait for the stone masons. Inscribed with “Queen Elizabeth II: Diamond Jubilee 2012” and sourced from Cornwall granite, the bench is a cool place to sit on a hot day.

Jubilee Clock

In celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee 2002, the council installed the Jubilee Clock at the corner of Chobham Road. As over 20 years of age, the clock has had some upgrades over the years with new LED lighting for dark winter evenings, but otherwise continues to tell the time to all visitors and residents on Chobham Road and the surrounds.