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February 2016

Sunningdale Parish Council

Road Closure down Bedford Lane:   Saturday 13th February 01.00 to Wednesday 17th February 2016 23:59 hours. From the A30 London Road to its junction with Coworth Close.

Alternative route: for westbound users via Bedford Lane, Church Road, B383 Station Road, B383 Broomhall Lane and A30 London Road.  For eastbound users, the diversion will be by this route reversed
There is a Parking review of the streets in the Old Village with the proposal that double yellow lines are drawn on many of the corners to prevent dangerous and inconsiderate parking.   The map showing the yellow lines is here.    PN 1640 – 1404 Sidbury Close Church Lane Sunningdale

You must give your answers to this consultation by Sunday 28 February by going to
There is a consultation concerning the installation of a zebra crossing in Chobham Road, Sunningdale which will be located approx. 48 meters south-east of the centre of the junction with A30.
Chobham Road crossing  to see the scheme.  You have until Friday 26 February to respond in writing to:
H.Jones, Highways and Engineering,
Town Hall,
Maidenhead SL6 1RF
Or on line:

Nottingham Knockers operating in Sunningdale

The chap that organises them, is not interested whether or not they actually sell anything.  That is not the purpose of the exercise.   He supplies them with a bag of obviously cheap, substandard household cleaning products, worth say £35 in total.  At the end of the day, they have to hand him this amount.  Anything more they make, they can keep.   The aim is to locate, elderly vulnerable women (mainly), who live alone and are easily parted from their cash.  They are willing to part with cash, for what both parties know, are rubbish products – they are gullible / able to be manipulated.  Out of this group, they must find out who, has large amounts of cash stored in the house !

That is not as hard as it sounds !
The amount charged, usually amounts to a note.  If you hand them loose change from a purse, your house number and address, will not be recorded.  If you hand them a crumpled note from a purse – again – you will not be recorded.  What they are looking for is someone, who takes a few minutes to go and get that note and when it is handed over, it is crisp, flat and unused.  A clear indication, it has been removed from a pile of notes stored somewhere in the house.  The next thing they will do, is smell it.  If it smells musty from a drawer, it has been there some time and there is possibly, loads of it !

A definite address to record.
The lads themselves, take no further part in the scam, they hand over the list of potential addresses and are paid a small some, for each one, in addition to the cash they keep.

  A lad knocks on your door:
Look out through a window.  If you see they have a large bag over their shoulder, you wave them away.  You then phone vulnerable neighbours, to let them know and tell them, not to answer the door either.  Phone the PEC on the 101 number, explain that you have Nottingham Knockers in the road.  Some areas are not familiar with this local term, so you can add – the young lads going door, to door selling household products.

  1. If you answer the door – you only use these words – I AM SORRY, I DO NOT BUY, GOODS AND SERVICES AT THE DOOR.  THEN FIRMLY, BUT POLITELY CLOSE THE DOOR – AND PHONE THE PEC, ON THE 101 NUMBER.  Everyone across the Thames Valley, uses these same words.  When they hear them, they will know, not to bother with your road, as everyone is likely to be aware.
  2. YOU DO NOT ENTER INTO ANY FURTHER CONVERSATION.  They have had some minor training – their practised Spiel in how to get a response from you – a sob story for example – trying to pay back to society / making their way / making an honest living.  They have been known to show a card, saying they are deaf / dumb etc.  Most are not true.  It is to gain your sympathy – to establish how gullible you are !
  3. WHY NO CONVERSATION ?  We have all been brought up to be polite and respond, to any question asked.  ‘I tried the house next door, but there was no reply’ ?  ‘No, they are on holiday in the Caribbean for the next 6 weeks’ !  ‘No, they have very high powered jobs in the City and never get home before 9 p.m.’ !!!!!  It is all too easy.
  4. Be prepared to give a good description of the young lad, when you phone the PEC on the 101 number.  The police will always go out to have a word with them and check, whether or not they have the legal and appropriate ‘Pedlars Certificate’.  99% do not, but have a self prepared document, which they will say, is as good.  The police may have to locate them, 25 / 30 minutes after your phone call, when they could be several streets away, the description is therefore vital.  Just look at how detailed David’s is above – that is what we need !!!

Just to add, because we have really hammered this message home to the elderly, they are much more alert and aware of this problem and are doing the right thing.  It is the next age group down – 45 / 60, who are now vulnerable, because they never think it could happen to them and they are fully capable, of dealing with anything.  These lads are doing this, day in and day out ….. .and ……….are good at it !

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