Parish Council 01344 874268


Local Transport Plan Visions and Themes

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead is committed to creating a sustainable borough of opportunity and innovation, with quality infrastructure that connects people.

The borough is at the beginning of a process of updating its Local Transport Plan. This strategic plan will identify how our transport networks and services are performing now, and where changes and investment will be needed in years to come.

The new plan is an opportunity to bring the council’s strategy up to date and look ahead into the 2030s.

RBWM are consulting on a draft vision, four draft ‘themes’ for the plan to be structured around, and twelve ‘directions of travel’ that will give the plan focus.

Have your say

Please review the draft vision, themes and directions of travel document, available to download from this web page. Then, complete the survey to have your say.

The consultation is open until 11.59pm, 22 March 2023.

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