Christmas Celebration.
The annual Christmas Lights event took place on 28 November. We were blessed by fine weather, so the crowds came out to enjoy the hospitality of the shops in Sunningdale and to see Sir Bruce and Lady Forsyth switch on the lights. Sir Bruce entertained the crowd by doing an impromptu Q&A session including the inevitable question on the Christmas edition of “Strictly”. The other star of the show was Martha Collison, from the Great Bakeoff show, who decorated biscuits with the children in Fegos, while other children enjoyed seeing real reindeer and talking to Father Christmas. The children from Holy Trinity and Sunningdale Schools came to sing for us and bring on the Christmas spirit.The Parish Council was delighted to work with all the traders in Sunningdale, many of whom were open and laid on the mullied wine and pies for us all to enjoy.
posted December 31st, 2014.
Free Trees
The Borough is giving away 5,000 free trees on a first come, first served basis. There will be 800 available at Broomhall Recreation Ground from December 8th until December 24th, 2014. To pick up a tree, along with a stake and a shrub guard, simply cut out the voucher on P.31 of the latest Around the Royal Borough newspaper and present it at the Rec. The tree species available are native, both to enhance the underlying character of the area and to benefit wildlife. The Borough has produced guidance on what species will do well on which soil type. Click on the map where your house is to find out. Further information about the offer can be found here.
posted December 4th, 2014.
Sunningdale Park
Owned by HM Government, it has been the home of the Civil Service College and later the National School of Government since 1950. The site at present continues to be operated by our partners, De Vere Venues. At present the Government Property Unit is looking for potential opportunities for the future of Sunningdale Park. An information event was held at Sunningdale Park, Larch Avenue, 3rd – 4th December to update local people on the Development Opportunity Brief, which can be accessed from the front page of this site.
posted December 4th, 2014. updated December 18th, 2014.
Waste collection schedule
Changes to the waste collection days over Christmas 2014 and the public holiday periods in 2015 can be found here.
posted December 4th, 2014.
RBWM to extend green garden waste service
This service has been working at capacity recently. However, the Borough is to extend the service from February 2015. Details can be found here.
posted December 17th, 2014.
Recycling real Christmas trees
After the celebrations Christmas trees can be left at Broomhall Recreation Ground between Monday January 5th and Monday January 19th, 2015. They will be removed, shredded and composted by the borough. Please remove all decorations. This facility only applies to real trees, not to artificial ones, of course.
posted December 1st, 2014.
Registering to vote
There will be various votes during 2015, including local elections and the General Election. Please ensure that you are registered to vote. It is now possible to register online. Read the web page on IER (Individual Electoral Registration) for further information.
posted December 2nd, 2014.
How to become a parish councillor
Some councillors will be retiring in 2015. If you are interested in becoming a councillor then read this article from the Electoral Commission, and contact the borough or the parish council by email.
posted December 2nd, 2014.
The Community Garden
November was a wet month with approximately 50% more rain than the 30 year average for November (1981-2010). This has limited the opportunities to work on the plot. Weather permitting, here is a list of possible winter jobs on your plot.
posted December 5th, 2014.