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Parish Council 01344 874268


Community Infrastructure Levy

CIL is a levy, introduced by the Planning Act 2008 with the CIL regulations of 2010. 

The levy allows local authorities to choose to charge on new development in their area. The money raised is to deliver infrastructure which supports development in the area and can be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure such as transport schemes, schools and open space.

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead approved its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) at a meeting of the Full Council on the 10 August 2016 with implementation on 1 September 2016.

CIL is not the sole funding source for all infrastructure necessary. It is used as the mechanism for pooling contributions further to the scaling back of the scope of Section 106 (S106) agreements (planning agreements) . However, planning obligations will still be used for site specific infrastructure such as local highway and junction improvements, and to provide affordable housing.

The levy is charged in pounds per square metre on the net additional increase in floorspace of liable developments.

For more information on the CIL charging schedules for RBWM please click here

All Parish Councils within a Borough electing to charge CIL automatically receive 15% of all CIL levies and those with a Neighbourhood Plans, such as Sunningdale Parish Council, receive 25%.  The Parish Council have a duty to spend CIL income on providing, improving, replacing, operating or maintaining infrastructure that supports the development of the Parish Council area or anything else concerned with addressing the demands that development places on the area

Detailed CIL guidance is available from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government on the website.

Parish Councils in receipt of CIL funds declare receipts and payments against these funds annually.