Lower Ground Floor
The Columbia Centre
Market Street
Berkshire RG12 1JG
Advice Line: 0808 278 7914
After much deliberation, and with a heavy heart, Citizens Advice East Berkshire (CAEB) has taken the difficult decision to withdraw outreach provision, including Sunningdale. This was a very hard decision to make, but the reality is that delivering outreach services is not financially viable as we try to reach and help as many people as possible under a very tight budget.
CAEB is working within an extremely challenging constraints, and we are facing cuts in the next financial year. Unfortunately, as inflation has continued to rise, our funding has not kept pace with increasing operational costs, and we have been incurring losses in real terms. This led us to the difficult decision to withdraw our outreach services, including Sunningdale, at this time.
Our conclusion is based on a detailed strategic review designed to ensure future financial sustainability and we assure you that residents will still be fully supported by Citizens Advice East Berkshire. If there are ongoing and complex cases for Sunningdale residents which remain open, we are happy to offer telephone appointments to ensure continuity of service to those residents.
We appreciate the support from Sunningdale Parish Council. Your funding has been instrumental in enabling our outreach service, and the team at CAEB are truly thankful for your commitment to our cause.
Please be assured that our commitment to the people of Sunningdale community is unwavering. We will continue to offer support through our telephone advice service, drop-in sessions at our offices in Maidenhead and Bracknell, and targeted outreach at foodbank centres in Bracknell, Crowthorne and Sandhurst.
We appreciate your understanding during these challenging times and look forward to continuing our partnership in providing quality service to those in need.
If anyone has any questions or comments, they can contact Interim CEO Bill Feeney at bill.f@caeb.org.uk
Residents can access our services via:
• Adviceline 0808 278 7914 (freephone) which is open Monday to Friday 10am-4pm
• Drop ins at the CAEB office at 4 Marlow Road, Maidenhead, Monday and Wednesday, 10am-12pm
• Drop ins at the CAEB office at Lower Ground Floor, Colombia Centre, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JG on Tuesday and Thursday, 10am-12pm
• National Citizens Advice Webchat
Citizens Advice East Berkshire is an operating name of Citizens Advice East Berkshire Limited. Charity registration number:
1065672. Company limited by guarantee. Registered number: 03433043 England. Authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority FRN: 617516. Registered office: Citizens Advice East Berkshire Limited, Lower Ground Floor, The Columbia
Centre, Market Street, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1JG.
As an alternative to the Outreach Service please visit the Sunningdale Parish Council Support Hub Information page which will direct you to organisations that offer support on a range of topics.
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